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Oydem Language Schools


16 Mart 2020

Dear students; When we learn a foreign language, we write down the words we do not know in our notebooks. We learn them over time by using them in sentences, reading or hearing them. One of the most important things we need to do in this process of note-taking and learning is to write down the sentences and structures we call “pattern sentences” and try to use them in our conversations. When there are moments when you have difficulty expressing yourself in English, we can easily explain the situation we want to explain by using these phrases that we have already written down.

English speech patterns are used by memorizing them as they are. However, as you use them over time, you will realize that you remember these phrases very easily.

I often get questions from my students about the pronunciation of English words!

“How can I improve my pronunciation?” or “How can I pronounce this word?”. The most important work to do is to watch lots of foreign movies, practice listening to English and repeat the sounds to yourself while listening. Please do not forget to study the OYDEM conversation cards distributed at the beginning of the course.

In our OYDEM Pattern Sentences book that we distribute to you, you will find nearly 1000 speech patterns that will be very useful and will improve your English speaking.

Izmir English Course OYDEM makes you speak English.

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